The voice of UK tech startups

Technology Regulation

Today we have launched our latest paper on competition policy – which you can read here. When Coadec was founded in 2010, it was to support a growing ecosystem of businesses and innovators popping up around a small roundabout in Shoreditch, East London. Since that time, the tech startup community – not just in a […]
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Today we’re co-launching a report outlining 25 steps the government can take to support the growth of climate-tech entrepreneurs – you can read it here. We produced this in collaboration with Tech Nation, techUK and  the Centre for Climate Change Innovation (CCCI), following discussions with over 100 leading climate startups. This summer, we held a […]
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Startups share the Government's goal of a safer internet. Today's founders have grown up in the shadow of the biggest social media platforms, and many startups were created explicitly because their creators wanted to offer...
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Today Coadec and The Entrepreneurs Network (TEN) publish a plan to enable tech startups to turbocharge the UK’s economy. Our new manifesto sets out the levers the new Prime Minister can pull to make this happen. They aren’t exhaustive – but they are critical.  Tech startups have been the British economic success story of the […]
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Today, we have published a new report exploring the AI startup ecosystem. We look at what AI startups perceive as challenges to growth as well as what they want from future regulation. AI is set to be the definitive technology of the century, disrupting and reforming global economies. The UK already has an incredibly strong […]
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As the world locked down in 2020, a vibrant and innovative e-commerce sector provided a lifeline for consumers and businesses confined to their homes. This accelerated a trend a long time in the making. While consumer demand for shopping online has grown, a vibrant ecosystem of online retailers, logistics providers and value add services firms […]
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Today we have published a new report: The Gig Economy: A Model for Work in the 21st Century. Over the past few years, waves of gig economy startups have radically expanded people’s options, with platforms bringing more competition and choice to everything from private cheffing to accounting to physical therapy. Gig platforms enable people to […]
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Today – we’re publishing a new paper exploring the critical importance of intermediary liability protections and the likely catastrophic impact of changes to them. You can read our report in full here. The upcoming Online Safety Bill threatens to rewrite rules around when digital firms are liable for the actions of individual users. But these […]
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